Our message boards and trailers have a range of capabilities and can fit within any budget. Arrow boards, automated lights and flaggers, and message boards are a key part of traffic control. From static alerts to smart detection and queue warning systems, ATS Traffic has a solution for your work zone, lane closure, or special event. 

Explore Message Board & Trailer Options

Ver-Mac Smart Work Zones

Ver-Mac message boards, arrow boards, portable traffic lights, radar boards and automated flaggers are key for establishing smart work zones. In a variety of sizes and capabilities, they’re the top-of-the-line option for communicating quickly and effectively with road users.

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Durable. Reliable. Affordable. OPTRAFFIC’s series of electronic safety devices integrate cutting-edge technology, first-class design, excellent quality, powerful functions, maximum visibility, and long lifespan- all for an unmatched price.

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About Smart Work Zones

Keep road users safe & informed

When the goal is to get motorists through your project site, Smart Work Zones minimize inconvenience and maximize safety. Smart Work Zones use the latest traffic control technology to provide real-time information to motorists and reduce the risk of accidents. ATS Traffic carries a range of portable and permanent traffic control equipment with smart capabilities: detection, interpretation, and automation. 

Smart Work Zone applications:

Intersection conflict areas

Warn motorists of the possibility of vehicles crossing, or automate a traffic light/flagger system when you’re reduced to one lane. Using smart tech improves worker safety and reduces capacity for human error.

Automated queue warnings

Help motorists anticipate upcoming traffic situations. Queue detection is key to Smart Work Zones. Detection technology can determine queue length, then connected smart message boards can help motorists anticipate upcoming traffic situations. 

Travel time/alternate route messaging

Provide motorists with the information they need to select an alternate route and prevent unexpected back-ups.

Smart Work Zones

We use temporary and permanent message boards for more than just static alerts. Our advanced queue warning systems use Bluetooth and WiFi to collect information from and about vehicles. If it’s taking longer than normal for vehicles to travel a certain distance, you can alert drivers to change their plans.

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